Plot Threads

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Emma’s ex-boyfriend. David Pavlin. He exists somewhere. Maybe he feels bad. I don’t know. Shit would probably go down if he ever showed up. Emma hates him beyond all reason for willingly abandoning her to what essentially was her doom.

Emma’s “Supplimental Income” -

  • Emma’s “wares” are questionable legality. Many people are looking into buying her “stuff,” though she’ll only sell to a “reputable company.” Maybe someone will bring about the stick instead of dangling the carrot.
  • Recently, Emma’s crops have started to wilt.
    • She consequently harvested her crops early to minimize profit loss. She has two plants remaining and a note on her bed from Tyson. The remainder of the crop disintegrated into a line of ash.

The Favor

  • Emma got a 4th gift from Odyn around her birthday.
    • Odyn said that this one has to be activated.


George used his monster in public. The ET guys just saw their spaceship launch into orbit. AND THEY LEFT BEHIND SOME WEIRD HYBRID STAHHH CHILD

  • George used his monster in public. Again. Holy crap, Condor not only shot out into the sky again, but did it RIGHT AT THE HALFWAY HOME.
  • Odyn the Bodysnatcher. There was this guy. He wanted to kidnap Emma. Odyn killed the fuck out of him. All that remains is a lot of blood, a lot of knife holes, and a lot of mystery in the Halfway Home. Emma may or may not be to blame (asking for Odyn’s help).
    • Also Odyn fucking ate the guy.
  • George did it again. This time in the middle of a ghetto street during a rainy day. At least this time it did more then just show up.

The Odyn Resistance - George is gathering troops. He intends to defeat Odyn or something. Odyn is completely aware of this, and appears to want to have fun with it.


Uncle V - Manny’s uncle is alive! And didn’t abandon him! Also has promised him money?

Bloodthirsty - Seems Manny loses his mind when around blood or meat, especially after not eating a decent steak in a while...surely nothing bad will come of this


Nell - She exists. What this means, I have no idea. It’d certainly be important to Nele, though.

Nele hates monster people - Nele doesn't like monster, period. Traumatic events and his upbringing lead him to believe that monsters and there kids can pose a threat on a catastrophic scale.

Information Warfare - Nele manhandle a reporter and destroyed her recording equipment.

"Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all!" - Nele's suit is slowly falling apart. Might need to get some actual clothes soon.


Elder Dane.

ONE BIG QUESTION MARK. George is pretty obsessed, though. This is kind of putting a strain on his relationships.

Butch and Co

George has thrown a lot of rocks at the bees’ nest. He’s long overdue for a sting.

  • The pipe wrench fight kept them back. For now.
  • They are now aware of some of the sick burns that have been thrown down at Mrs. Frieda--sick burns from Jingles, that is. Butch and company are probably curious.

Gossip Girls

Spreading all kinds of wild rumors regarding the shit these kids are in. A new girl showed up at the same time as a violent murder, and Manny and Nele broke into a serious brawl, using all kinds of crazy physical powers and whatnot.


The Suitcase (and contents thereof)

This isn’t Manny’s suitcase. Also it seems to be filled with all kinds of random tools, and a passport (belonging to a Sergio Harper, 300 Pounds, Blood Type O+).

The Kitchen

There’s now a way inside. A very, very gross way.

The Scott Ramp

Scott + Ramp + Bicycle = Flight?

The Cat

regular alley cat or SATAN KITTY?! Whichever, it seems to pop up in all kinds of interesting situations.

My Fair Super soldier

Kids keep trying to educate Nele about the world outside of being a murder machine. Songs will be sung and hi-jinx will ensue


A bunch of men in black suits showed up at the house. People were scanned and swabs were taken (and mixed up thanks to Ty). Later they kidnapped Emma. Nele seems to know a thing or two about them.