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At the beginning of high school, Lacey quickly lost any excitement with life that she might have had as a child. Doing well in high school and looking towards college seemed to be a waste of time. Looking for something more, Lacey tried several outlets of excitement, finally deciding to try things more dangerous and illegal. She began trying to sell drugs while in her sophomore year of high school. Starting by running for already established sellers before beginning her own business. It taught her to be wary of other sellers with mob ties; and enough beatings from rival sellers taught her that if she wanted to survive, she needed to toughen up. She started a strict schedule of running, lifting, and shooting, and by the time she entered college she was more than capable of taking care of herself. Selling, however, became monotonous as well. Around the time the masked heroes were making rounds on the news. Curious, Lacey began to put together ideas for a suit of her own. Seeing that the basic components wouldn’t cost too much, she invested in her gear and began to practice scaling buildings and breaking/entering. Lacey now balances her study of architecture in college and being a hero on the streets, all while maintaining good rapport with her family.

Prominence Found/Free

Lacy began her career as Ghost as a burglar, breaking into homes and committing petty theft. Her first foray into heroism happened after breaking into The Olympian, Clarence Young's home where she stole a discus. On her way out she encountered a drug deal in progress which she decided to break up. After scaring off or knocking out the participants Ghost robbed the dealers of both their money and drugs.
Finding the Young home interesting Ghost returned on the subsequent night only to run afoul of both the Olympian's booby-traps and the The Wraith who chased her off. Lacy researched the two masks that had previously been active in Prominence, deducing not only the Olympian's identity but a connection between Reverb and Harold Lee Technologies. To further investigate this connection Ghost broke into Harold Lee Technologies and stole the personal files for a number of employees past and present before once again being chased off by the Wraith. Using the information she found in Harold Lee Technologies Ghost goes to Amy Vasquez's apartment and writes on her wall “where is Reverb?” The next day on one of her outings Ghost sees Reese Baxter leaving the scene of an extortion, deciding to stalk him Ghost ends up teaming up with Wraith to take down the mobsters. Breaking into The Olympian's home for a third time Ghost is surprised when the Olympian comes home to sleep and quickly leaves unnoticed.

Through a Glass Darkly


Much Ado About Nothing

Lacy goes on a date with Noah and snoops about his life.

Spirits of Prominence

Holy War

Valkyries of Prominence


The Black Knight

Five Short Stories About Prominence

The Magus

Best Served Hot

Ghosts and Thermite

Who Wants to Live Forever


Seemingly apathetic, though very bright and goal oriented. Lacey gets bored with life extremely fast, looking for thrills to make life worth living. She entered the hero game after hearing stories on her mother’s news reports.

Powers and Abilities

Fear the Ghost
Ghost's costume, demeanor, and behavior make her a terrifying individual to face in combat. Many opponents are driven to panic just by the sight of her. While this effect is normally attributed to her costume Lacy has been able to invoke this fear on her own while being held captive without her costume.
hyper climb
Elite Stalker
Ghost is an expert at silently following people while hidden it is preferred method of information gathering other then fear.
Master of Pistols


grapple gun
Ghosts main form of transportation is using her grpple gun while traversing the roof tops of prominence.

