PC Threads for Mrs. Frieda's

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Emma’s ex-boyfriend. David Pavlin. He exists somewhere. Maybe he feels bad. I don’t know. Shit would probably go down if he ever showed up. Emma hates him beyond all reason for willingly abandoning her to what essentially was her doom.

Emma’s “Supplimental Income” - Emma’s “wares” are questionable legality. Many people are looking into buying her “stuff,” though she’ll only sell to a “reputable company.” Maybe someone will bring about the stick instead of dangling the carrot.

Recently, Emma’s crops have started to wilt. She consequently harvested her crops early to minimize profit loss. She has two plants remaining and a note on her bed from Tyson. The remainder of the crop disintegrated into a line of ash.


George used his monster in public. The ET guys just saw their spaceship launch into orbit. AND THEY LEFT BEHIND SOME WEIRD HYBRID STAHHH CHILD

  • George used his monster in public. Again. Holy crap, Condor not only shot out into the sky again, but did it RIGHT AT THE HALFWAY HOME.
  • STAHHH CHILD. One of the UFO hunters owes Emma money for “star seeds,” which are actually just regular grass seeds. Emma is supposed to meet him on Friday.
  • Odyn the Bodysnatcher. There was this guy. He wanted to kidnap Emma. Odyn killed the fuck out of him. All that remains is a lot of blood, a lot of knife holes, and a lot of mystery in the Halfway Home. Emma may or may not be to blame (asking for Odyn’s help).
    • Also Odyn fucking ate the guy.

The Odyn Resistance - George is gathering troops. He intends to defeat Odyn or something. Odyn is completely aware of this, and appears to want to have fun with it.


Uncle V - Manny’s uncle is alive! And didn’t abandon him! Also has promised him money?


Nell - She exists. What this means, I have no idea. It’d certainly be important to Nele, though.