Plot Threads

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Emma’s ex-boyfriend.

  • David Pavlin. He exists somewhere. Maybe he feels bad. I don’t know. Shit would probably go down if he ever showed up. Emma hates him beyond all reason for willingly abandoning her to what essentially was her doom.
    • Emma's true history with Dave has been revealed. What happens now is up to fate. What's obvious is that she should never see him ever again.


It's the New Me

  • When George came back from Mexico, he was covered in a bunch of tattoos and filled with a new ichor
    • He has recently joined the Wild Dog Army, working against Butch in secret. He has told some outsiders about it.

The Lighter

  • George said that the lighter was something from the father he never knew. It and the Boston CD are the only mementos from his father.

Trial and Tribulations

  • George said that his tattoos would disappear when he completed "the trials." He came back from Mexico and they are still here.


Playa Style

  • Caleb and Manny are pretty tight now. We'll see where that goes.



  • She exists. What this means, I have no idea. It’d certainly be important to Nele, though.

Nele hates monster people

  • Nele doesn't like monster, period. Traumatic events and his upbringing lead him to believe that monsters and there kids can pose a threat on a catastrophic scale.
    • Nele has grown to understand the kid side of things, at least. Still doesn't stop him from talking smack to firebirds.

Devil's Advocate

  • Nele seems to have taken up the roll of Manny's protector; He even calls himself Manny's Guardian Angel. If Manny is ever danger, Nele will try to save him, no matter the cost.


Who's your Daddy?

  • Scott has an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to his ancestry. All that's left is to meet him and find him.
    • A map tied to Ithica, AK

Fly Like an Eagle

  • Scott managed to pull off some Matrix jumps using his wings in a dream a while ago. Maybe it can work in real life?


Black Book

  • These guys are everywhere. They've been seen rebuilding damage to jewelry stores and high-rise buildings.
    • They've also taken over a local pharmaceutical company.
    • And more recently, the local Jazz station (WJAZ).


  • There are a few of these things all around the city. They all seem to have a lot of weaponry and are all set out on killing Condor. In fact, all of Black Book seems to be set out to kill Condor.

Butch and The Wild Dog Army

  • The Wild Dog army is trying to bring itself into power as the saving force of the city. Mostly he's leaving that up to his two agents, but his men are working in the background towards a greater good.
  • Butch's Agents have been asked to get in touch with a wide variety of contacts and do varying things with them
    • Dr Markus: Friend.
    • The Good Doctor: Find out what his deal is. Determine Friend or Foe.
    • Slash Hackman: Found and neutralized.
    • Black Book: They are some big bad motherfuckers. Do some research but do not engage.
    • Spring Crescent: Bad Juju going down there. Find out about it and report back.


  • This asshole knows where you live... somehow. He also seems to know Mrs. Frieda. She even calls him Dashy. Oh, and almost all the girls (and some boys) want to go out with him.
    • Now he has a girlfriend. Collage age, even.

Elder Dane

  • Emma convinced him to stay on the case. He needed to bring in his assistant to work the daytime hours.
    • The case is all but resolved.

Gossip Girls

  • Julie's alive and well, but needs a great deal of physical and emotional therapy to successfully recover. Nonetheless, everyone's pretty happy that she's okay.


The Suitcase (and contents thereof)

This isn’t Manny’s suitcase. Also it seems to be filled with all kinds of random tools, and a passport (belonging to a Sergio Harper, 300 Pounds, Blood Type O+).

The Good Doctor

  • So he's living in a tank in the junkyard. Uh, cool?